
Audio-visual Poem “Play”

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  • Audio-visual Poem “Play”

(September 2000, 5 min 30)

“Play” is composed of nine parts (a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3). [a] symbolizes “couple’s play,” [b] symbolizes “group’s play,” and [c] symbolizes “play for destruction.” The video clip is an animation and shows persons’ faces.

“Life” and “Play” are independent works of each other. However, it is desirable to combine these works into one performance on stage. What is common to these works is that they are created from electronic tones, based on concrete sounds, and abstract animations. These are the latest works of the Audio-visual Poem Series.

In these two works, the music completely is synchronized with the development of the video clip. Therefore, the music is expressed very clearly. However, the music is not subordinate to the video clip at all. In my audio-visual poems, the audio and visual factors are equally important. From the beginning of the conception stage, I have been handling these two factors as one.

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